Kickstart your ideas with SCAMPER method

Apply the SCAMPER method (Substitute, Combine, Adapt, Modify, Put to another use, Eliminate, Reverse) to [product idea, or concept] to generate new and innovative ideas.
Apply the SCAMPER method (Substitute, Combine, Adapt, Modify, Put to another use, Eliminate, Reverse) to [product idea, or concept] to generate new and innovative ideas.
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SCAMPER method

problem solving
Use SCAMPER method to guide AI in refining and innovating any product idea or concept you have. It’s structured to foster creative thinking and problem-solving, enabling the AI to generate varied and valuable insights.
To [goal = innovate on, refine, optimize, evolve, enhance, streamline] [idea # product idea or concept], apply the SCAMPER method as follows:

1. **Substitute**: Identify elements of the concept that can be replaced with something else. What can be swapped to create a new version or enhance the existing one?

2. **Combine**: Explore combinations with other products or concepts. How can the fusion of different elements create a novel solution or improve functionality?

3. **Adapt**: Modify the concept to serve different purposes or to operate in different conditions or settings. How can alterations make it more versatile or useful in varied contexts?

4. **Modify**: Change aspects of the concept, such as its shape, size, color, or components. How can alterations enhance its aesthetic appeal or functionality?

5. **Put to Another Use**: Explore unconventional applications or markets for the concept. In what new ways or areas can it be utilized to solve problems or meet needs?

6. **Eliminate**: Remove elements from the concept to simplify and streamline it. How can minimizing components or features make it more efficient or user-friendly?

7. **Reverse**: Reimagine the concept by altering its sequence, layout, or orientation. How can restructuring provide fresh perspectives or uncover overlooked potentials?

For each step, generate multiple ideas, and evaluate their viability and impact.

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